Stated Communications: First Monday at 7:30PM
Current NoticeHampton Lodge No. 204 will next convene for a Special Communication on Tuesday, September 24 at 7:30pm where the Senior Warden will confer the Fellow Craft degree on all available candidates. Dinner will be served at 7:00pm .
About Us
Located in Florence, SC - Hampton Lodge No. 204 is a regularly constituted Ancient Craft Lodge in the 27th Masonic District beholden to The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina.
Preferred Attire: Business Casual
On January 20, 1879, M∴W∴ Bro. Augustine T. Smythe, the Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina, granted a dispensation authorizing the formation of Hampton Lodge, Under Dispensation (U.D.). The lodge continued working throughout the year completing many efforts, both administrative and Masonic, and was issued its charter, or warrant of constitution, on December 10, 1879.
Hampton Lodge No. 204 has not only added over 145 years to its own distinctive history in Florence, but has also been enriched through its consolidation with two other lodges:
The consolidation of these lodges, joined together in perfect union, constitute Hampton Lodge No. 204, A.F.M. as it exists today.