The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina
Elected: Grand Master 1997-99; Deputy Grand Master 1995-97; Senior Grand Warden 1993-1995; Junior Grand Warden 1991-1993
Elected: Grand Treasurer 1999-02
Appointed: District Deputy Grand Master (20th District) 1975-76; Junior Grand Deacon 1983-84; Masonic Education Committeeman 1977-82 (Districts 19, 20, & 21);
Chairman, Jurisprudence Committee; Masonic Services Association Hospital Visitation Committeeman 1987-92; Distribution of Work & Grand Master’s Address Committeeman; Work and Ceremonies Committeeman
Recipient of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina Albert Gallatin Mackey Medal 1997
The Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the state of Tennessee
Honorary Member, Past Grand Masters Association
Initiated, Passed, and Raised in Drayton Lodge No. 360, A.F.M. 1958
Worshipful Master, Drayton Lodge No. 360, A.F.M. 1961
Honorary Past Master, Hampton Lodge No. 204, A.F.M. 2017
Plural Member:
Rock Hill Lodge No. 111, A.F.M. – Affiliated 1981
Hampton Lodge No. 204, A.F.M. – Affiliated 2007
Roebuck Lodge No. 357, A.F.M. (Home Lodge)**
**Drayton Lodge No. 360, Montgomery Lodge No. 362, and Beaumont Lodge No. 376 amalgamated to form Mill Village Lodge No. 360, A.F.M. in the Masonic year 2002. Mill Village Lodge No. 360 later merged with Roebuck Lodge No. 357 in the Masonic year 2020.
Honorary Member:
Cheraw Lodge No. 15, Benton Lodge No. 26, Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 58, St. David's Lodge No. 72, Cherokee Lodge No 135, Bates Lodge No. 189, Westminster Lodge No. 200, Buffalo Lodge No. 202, Converse Cowpens Lodge No. 210, Enoree Lodge No. 222, Palmetto Lodge No. 289, Corinthian Lodge No. 416
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction
33° Grand Cross of the Court of Honour 2021
33° Inspector General Honorary, Coroneted 1977
32° Knight Commander of the Court of Honor 1971
Plural Member: Valley of Spartanburg & Valley of Greenville
Charter President & Founder, Tri-County Scottish Rite Club (Rock Hill) 1989
Charter President & Founder, Pee Dee Scottish Rite Club (Florence) 2012-13
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of South Carolina
Grand Treasurer 1999-09
Past High Priest, Bratton Chapter No. 32, Royal Arch Masons
Past High Priest, Campbell Chapter No. 31, Royal Arch Masons 2009
Dual Member: Mackey Chapter No. 15
Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of South Carolina
Grand Treasurer 1999-09
Ish Sodi Award Recipient 1984
Past Illustrious Master, Campbell Council No. 13, Royal & Select Masters
Past Illustrious Master, Cephas Council No. 18, Royal & Select Masters 2008
Dual Member: Absolom Cody Council No. 8
Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of South Carolina
Grand Commander 1990-91; Grand Treasurer 1999-09
Past Eminent Commander, Rock Hill Commandery No. 15, Knights Templar
Past Eminent Commander, Florence Commandery No. 10, Knights Templar 2010
Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America
Southeastern Department Commander 2000-03; Grand Sword Bearer 2003
College of Honors - Jurisdictional Deputy (South Carolina) 2014-17
Grand Trustee; State Chairman, Finance Committee
Knight Grand Cross of the Temple 2008; Knight Commander of the Temple 1993
Member, Order of High Priesthood
Member, Thrice Illustrious Master's Council
Knight Crusaders of the Cross
Past Knight Crusader of the East (1996)
Shriners International
Grand Lodge Liaison, Hejaz Shrine
Honorary Member, Jamil Shrine & Omar Shrine
Member, York Crescent Shrine Club
National Sojourners
Member, Fort Jackson Chapter No. 184
DeMolay International
Legion of Honor Recipient
Advisor, Myron Sandifer Chapter
International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
Grand Cross of Color Recipient
Member, The Royal Order of Scotland
Allied Masonic Degrees
Past Sovereign Master & Emeritus Member, J.D. Penley, Jr. Council No. 131
Plural Member, Camden Council No. 148
Charter Member, Pee Dee Council No. 552
Knight Masons
Past Excellent Chief, Samuel H. J. Womack Council No. 20 (2002)
York Rite Sovereign College
Past Governor, Palmetto College No. 70 (2000)
Order of the Purple Cross (Associate Regent) 1998
Red Cross of Constantine
Past Sovereign, All Saints Conclave (2005)
Knights of the York Cross of Honour
Past Prior, Palmetto Priory No. 54 (1995)
Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis
Past Celebrant, South Carolina College (2007)
Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests
Past Preceptor, Cana Tabernacle No. XLIX (2005)
Fellow, South Carolina Masonic Research Society
Member, The Philalethes Society
Member, Scottish Rite Research Society
The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina
Elected: Grand Master 1997-99; Deputy Grand Master 1995-97; Senior Grand Warden 1993-1995; Junior Grand Warden 1991-1993
Elected: Grand Treasurer 1999-02
Appointed: District Deputy Grand Master (20th District) 1975-76; Junior Grand Deacon 1983-84; Masonic Education Committeeman 1977-82 (Districts 19, 20, & 21);
Chairman, Jurisprudence Committee; Masonic Services Association Hospital Visitation Committeeman 1987-92; Distribution of Work & Grand Master’s Address Committeeman; Work and Ceremonies Committeeman
Recipient of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina Albert Gallatin Mackey Medal 1997
The Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the state of Tennessee
Honorary Member, Past Grand Masters Association
Initiated, Passed, and Raised in Drayton Lodge No. 360, A.F.M. 1958
Worshipful Master, Drayton Lodge No. 360, A.F.M. 1961
Honorary Past Master, Hampton Lodge No. 204, A.F.M. 2017
Plural Member:
Rock Hill Lodge No. 111, A.F.M. – Affiliated 1981
Hampton Lodge No. 204, A.F.M. – Affiliated 2007
Roebuck Lodge No. 357, A.F.M. (Home Lodge)**
**Drayton Lodge No. 360, Montgomery Lodge No. 362, and Beaumont Lodge No. 376 amalgamated to form Mill Village Lodge No. 360, A.F.M. in the Masonic year 2002. Mill Village Lodge No. 360 later merged with Roebuck Lodge No. 357 in the Masonic year 2020.
Honorary Member:
Cheraw Lodge No. 15, Benton Lodge No. 26, Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 58, St. David's Lodge No. 72, Cherokee Lodge No 135, Bates Lodge No. 189, Westminster Lodge No. 200, Buffalo Lodge No. 202, Converse Cowpens Lodge No. 210, Enoree Lodge No. 222, Palmetto Lodge No. 289, Corinthian Lodge No. 416
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction
33° Grand Cross of the Court of Honour 2021
33° Inspector General Honorary, Coroneted 1977
32° Knight Commander of the Court of Honor 1971
Plural Member: Valley of Spartanburg & Valley of Greenville
Charter President & Founder, Tri-County Scottish Rite Club (Rock Hill) 1989
Charter President & Founder, Pee Dee Scottish Rite Club (Florence) 2012-13
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of South Carolina
Grand Treasurer 1999-09
Past High Priest, Bratton Chapter No. 32, Royal Arch Masons
Past High Priest, Campbell Chapter No. 31, Royal Arch Masons 2009
Dual Member: Mackey Chapter No. 15
Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of South Carolina
Grand Treasurer 1999-09
Ish Sodi Award Recipient 1984
Past Illustrious Master, Campbell Council No. 13, Royal & Select Masters
Past Illustrious Master, Cephas Council No. 18, Royal & Select Masters 2008
Dual Member: Absolom Cody Council No. 8
Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of South Carolina
Grand Commander 1990-91; Grand Treasurer 1999-09
Past Eminent Commander, Rock Hill Commandery No. 15, Knights Templar
Past Eminent Commander, Florence Commandery No. 10, Knights Templar 2010
Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America
Southeastern Department Commander 2000-03; Grand Sword Bearer 2003
College of Honors - Jurisdictional Deputy (South Carolina) 2014-17
Grand Trustee; State Chairman, Finance Committee
Knight Grand Cross of the Temple 2008; Knight Commander of the Temple 1993
Member, Order of High Priesthood
Member, Thrice Illustrious Master's Council
Knight Crusaders of the Cross
Past Knight Crusader of the East (1996)
Shriners International
Grand Lodge Liaison, Hejaz Shrine
Honorary Member, Jamil Shrine & Omar Shrine
Member, York Crescent Shrine Club
National Sojourners
Member, Fort Jackson Chapter No. 184
DeMolay International
Legion of Honor Recipient
Advisor, Myron Sandifer Chapter
International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
Grand Cross of Color Recipient
Member, The Royal Order of Scotland
Allied Masonic Degrees
Past Sovereign Master & Emeritus Member, J.D. Penley, Jr. Council No. 131
Plural Member, Camden Council No. 148
Charter Member, Pee Dee Council No. 552
Knight Masons
Past Excellent Chief, Samuel H. J. Womack Council No. 20 (2002)
York Rite Sovereign College
Past Governor, Palmetto College No. 70 (2000)
Order of the Purple Cross (Associate Regent) 1998
Red Cross of Constantine
Past Sovereign, All Saints Conclave (2005)
Knights of the York Cross of Honour
Past Prior, Palmetto Priory No. 54 (1995)
Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis
Past Celebrant, South Carolina College (2007)
Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests
Past Preceptor, Cana Tabernacle No. XLIX (2005)
Fellow, South Carolina Masonic Research Society
Member, The Philalethes Society
Member, Scottish Rite Research Society